BREAKING NEWS (updated MARCH 2023)


The NeWS STATION's NewsMan Has Provided The Audience With Never-Seen-Before, Brand-New Partially-Gluten-Free Artworks. We've Interviewed Him To Try And Guess What's Going On In These, And He's Surprisingly Contributed.

Our Representative In This Interview Is The Lovely ScreenWriter, Now Writing This Very Sentence. Please, Tag Along For An Experience.

Content Warnings: big weird spider, car crash (victim unharmed), body horror, knife. no gore or nudity though.

ScreenWriter: Shall We Begin?

NewsMan: let's just do this already.

ScreenWriter: Okay. DATE: MARCH 14 2023.

ScreenWriter: I Am Sure The Audience Would Agree With Me When I Say This One Looks...
*Very* Different From The Usual.

NewsMan: ah, yes. it's the cigarette butts in the snack bowl, isn't it? or is it the hot sauce? OH, the glasses. they're spiky.

ScreenWriter: Spiky?? It's The Head. The Different Thing Is The Head Style. What Happened To It?

NewsMan: got bored and decided i should start trying out more ways to draw a head.. this one didn't really work out. i kept messing up the eyes when there weren't any glasses to cover them. i think it looks fun, but i still have to figure that out.

ScreenWriter: Yes, You Do That. The Next DATE Is: MARCH 6-8 2023.

ScreenWriter: What Are These. Why Do They Look Like That.

NewsMan: random artblock stuff.
they've been compressed beyond human comprehension.

ScreenWriter: Why

NewsMan: site size scary

ScreenWriter: ...Cool. Next: DATE: FEBRUARY 5-7 2023.

ScreenWriter: This Picture. Tell Us About It.

NewsMan: i like the houses i see around the NeWS STATION. there's something disturbing about them; they're not like rich people houses. you look at them and just Know they have been lived in. it's fantastic.

ScreenWriter: And Why Water?

NewsMan: there's palm trees in so many places i visit, and it makes me miss the sea. i've never been to it or anything, i just miss it.

ScreenWriter: Okay, Sure.

ScreenWriter: Next, DATE: FEBRUARY 2 2023.

ScreenWriter: What's Up With This.

NewsMan: tpoe

ScreenWriter: ?

NewsMan: the price of eggs

ScreenWriter: Ok. DATE: OCTOBER 10, Now 2022 Instead.

ScreenWriter: Explain.

NewsMan: i've got this constant sensation of being alive that terrifies me. there's blood in my veins and there's eyebags under my eyes and my body for today's beauty standards is a minefield, but goddamn do i fucking love minesweeper. there's so much to being a person.

ScreenWriter:... I've Seen You Playing Minesweeper During Work Hours. You Should Stop Doing That.

NewsMan: fight me.

ScreenWriter: No. DATE: DECEMBER 7 2022.

ScreenWriter: I Get This One.

NewsMan: really?

ScreenWriter: You Just Wanted To Draw A Fucked Up Car.

NewsMan: woag. yeaaaah

ScreenWriter: Oh?

ScreenWriter: Cat!

NewsMan: oh yea. i think that's CENT.

ScreenWriter: Do You Really Just Have Them In This Room? It's So Small...

NewsMan: they go outside sometimes. they rob people and eat their Coins. oh, and that one's called AVO.

ScreenWriter: I See. Mine Don't Rob People.

NewsMan: skill issue.

ScreenWriter: Die. DATE: 28 JANUARY, Now 2023 Instead.

ScreenWriter: It's You :)

NewsMan: it me :]

ScreenWriter: Moving On. DATE: 15-21 OCTOBER, Now 2022.

ScreenWriter: Wh-

NewsMan: ohhohohoohoohoohohhohooho it's the fucking BATTER from COOL AS FUCK 2000'S GAME "Off". you have to purify a world plagued with spectres. it's creepy as fuck and i loved it like a friend.

ScreenWriter: Okay. DATE: DECEMBER 3, 2022. Spider.

ScreenWriter: You Know, This One Is Kinda Shit.

NewsMan: i know. but there's three spiders surrounding me as we speak, and i felt like honoring them by getting this doodle out here.

NewsMan: i used to be really afraid of spiders. i still think they're terrifying at times, but they remind me of some kind of doggie.

ScreenWriter: Sure. DATE: JANUARY 20, Now 2023.

ScreenWriter: These Are Neat.

NewsMan: and made exclusively for the site. there's a few older ones i also adapted to the color palette:

NewsMan: they were old warm-up doodles that i thought to be kind of neat. i don't have much to say about them.

ScreenWriter: Great. Are We Done?

NewsMan: sure. but first, here's some other pictures of dubious quality:

ScreenWriter: Okay, These Are... Okay.

ScreenWriter: Well, We Are Done Here. Is There Anything You Want To Tell The Audience? Somewhere To Find You On The World Wide Web?

NewsMan: you can find more artwork in my artfol profile, linked at the top of this page, or in Ko-fi, where i've gathered some zines. thanks for reading, and-

ScreenWriter: That's MY Line.

ScreenWriter: Thanks For Reading, Viewers. Let's See Each Other Soon.


For whatever u want to say