What should you know first?
These guys are Free To Use pixel adopts! Meaning you can dowload them and put them on your own site, for free. Can make them into Gifypets too! No hotlinking, please! This means you HAVE to download them if you're using them. And link back to my site or this page if you use any of them (would be very appreciated).
NEW: Strange cats!

Cats with real life coloring!

Cats with random patterns!

Flag cats!

My site cats! bc i HAD to make them too. You can take them too, they like to travel.

Art made for Pixel Clubs! (they're here till I decide to make somewhere fancier for them to be). You have to make a little pixel guy based on the theme of the club (and the template they give you, if there's one), and that's basically it. For more info, visit the clubs' pages - they are linked in the images.
You CAN use these as adopts too! Same rules apply.